Saturday, December 26, 2009

I Miss Th Old You.!
My xmas' suck okay, totally suck :( oh my ( .. ) Never smile today, because without you beside me to pampered me anymore. I won't get those feeling anymore.
Geeeeerrrrrrr ... Tmd, so sian at home, rotting at home! Blasting song at home! Shouting at home!
Waiting for him to call me, but it seems false hope.
No cigg, shag* Don't want waste money buy. Spend too much le.
tmd tmd tmd tmd tmd tmd tmd tmd tmd tmd tmd tmd!
Ki Hongannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
Where baby girl, what baby girl doing? I miss her, why she must go msia sia! :( Nobody to hear me cry sia, nobody i can talk to sia.
Nobody i can laugh with sia, nobody at msn chat w me keep kaobei me " what u doing "
Nobody say she luv me sia! Come back quick! I gona die soon la, nobody i can meet lea!
He not free meet me, now you go msia dunwn me also uh! gggggerrrrrrrrrr!
You luv me or you hate me?
Confuse* or .. ;(

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