Friday, December 04, 2009

You know i hate this kind of life?
which wake up, play computer, time up get ready to work?
Not because of money i won't work, not because i don't want stay at home keep thinking of him i won't work.
Not because i have this kind of fucking family i won't work too.
Anybody really seen me smiling v.happily like before? Because i lost th boy i loved th most.
Don't everyone found out after he is gone i lost my true smile?
What is th point of getting him back to me & his heart was no longer w me.
Work really gave me too much stress, do wrong thing boss not happy. Customer say me.
& why whenever i'm working i'll lost my soul there, idk what i'm doing too.
It has been almost a month, why can't i just forget him.
Why JoleenTanXinYun so useless.
I keep tell myself " forget him, & start anew" but why can't i do it?
Jie, did you really realise i cried inside th cab just now? Not because i miss him.
Because i'm really sick of this life, not i don't want work, not i lazy.
Because just now you wana hug me, i don't want & i almost make you cried.
Do you know how dishearted i'm when i saw you like this?
You know everynight i really can't sleep, because i keep think of him, yet you don't even bother about me, you din even think of coming back home & pei me.
You know at night i'll anyhow think, yet you din even bother to pei me too.
Why i just can't have a person who really make me smile, make me forgot him.
I wanted to smile happily like th past, but i always failed to.
Jie,Meimei,LunPapa,Ahyi,Kit & many more, when did you all see me really smile v.happily like last time, when i have him.
I wana to act strong in front of you all, just by saying i hate him, & i've forgotten him.
I hate my mum, i hate her because of her we are homeless. Because of my father mother i don't have a wonderful family.
It has been 5years plus, i keep blaming you all, know how much i hate both of you for giving me this fucking family?
Know how much i miss both of you?
So what if i have my freedom to go anywhere i like, what i want not freedom, Is LOVE.
Why my life so fucking bored & no life?
I've nobody to turn to, idk who to talk when something really trouble me.
Wanted to call meimei, but she fall asleep.
Reach home, i don't know why suddenly my heart feel so sour & eventually i cried.
I hate this kind of feeling, my heart so pain, anyone to share my pain with?
I really hates to talk after he is gone, Jie keep asking me " why so moody "
Not moody, is idk why i really got no mood, i really tried my to forget him, since he's so flirt, since his heart was no longer w me.
Anybody really got some ways to teach me what to do?
I'm lost, fucking lost.


C. said...

Hey, Joleen. Can I call you that? :B Hms, you don't know me. But I do know Kuan. I stay @ Jurong. Anw, read your blog. Lol, it's funny to admit this lah, but it's kinda addictive. Read liao keep want read. In the end, read until before you & Kuan stead.

I know you may think that I'm kpo or what lah. But seriously, normally I don't do such things like go kpo other ppl life lah. But read your blog le, about your family & stuff, it really touched me. :)

Say real one, you still young, can find a better guy. I know how you feel. Because I went through the same thing before. Boyfriend stead nearly 2 years, then suddenly no more. I know it sucks. Suddenly so not used to it. But you must remember, why should you be the one crying when he's the one outside enjoying? Your qualifications are much better than him I suppose.

You can find a better guy. & When you find a better guy, you will regret being with him, crying for him.

One day he'll cry for you as much as you cried for him. But when the day comes, you don't love him anymore.

Takecare okey!

Joleen said...

Oh, thanks thanks!
Yupps, i believe he will regret one day, anw can i know you name? :)